School of Infantry - East
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune


The Marine Corps Detachment, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, generates warfighting readiness for the Fleet Marine Force and the Joint Force by providing and maintaining a professional instructor cadre that enhances the preparation, throughput, proficiency, and certification of students in advanced warfighting skills.

1920s — STUDENTS AT THE U.S. ARMY INFANTRY SCHOOL: Since the 1920s there have been Marine students attending schools, courses, and training at the U.S. Army’s Infantry School. During this era, there was typically a company or field grade officer with administrative support personnel facilitating student attendance and administrative support.

1949 — INSTRUCTORS AT THE U.S. ARMY INFANTRY SCHOOL: Shortly after World War II, the Marine Corps permanently assigned an infantry lieutenant colonel to the U.S. Army’s Infantry School for duty as an amphibious operations instructor.

1960-2010 — MARINE CORPS REPRESENTATIVE TO THE U.S. ARMY INFANTRY SCHOOL: By the 1960s the mission and scope of Marines at U.S. Army’s Infantry School had grown. Not only did Marines serve at Army schools as instructors, but also assisted the Marine Corps by representing our Service interests and equities in common USA—USMC doctrine and development and testing of new weapons systems and equipment. In that era, the unit became known as the “Marine Corps Representative to the U.S. Army Infantry School.” Some exceptionally well known Marines such as Gen P.X. Kelley (28th Commandant of the Marine Corps), and MajGen James Livingston (Medal of Honor recipient) served here during this era as the senior Marine or as an instructor at the Infantry School.

2010-2020 — MARINE CORPS DETACHMENT, FORT BENNING: During this period, the unit came to be known as “Marine Corps Detachment, Fort Benning.” From 2005-2011, due to base realignments and closures, detailed planning was conducted to consolidate all Armor training (USA and USMC) to the Maneuver Center. From 2010-2011, when USMC armor MOS producing schools relocated here, the historic role of “Marine Corps Representative” was converted from an 0302 infantry officer (commanding officer billet) to an 1802 tank / armor officer position.

2021-PRESENT — MARINE CORPS DETACHMENT, U.S. ARMY MANEUVER CENTER OF EXCELLENCE: As part of the Commandant’s Force Design 2030 initiative, the detachment’s commanding officer was converted back to an 0302 LtCol infantry officer billet. Based on a Congressional Task Force dedicated to renaming places and things dedicated to the Confederacy, the detachment came to be known as “Marine Corps Detachment, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence.”


Office: 706-545-7411/5030

Govt Phone: 706-326-6501


Operations Officer

Office: 706-545-7400

Govt Cell: 706-326-6507

Operations Chief

Office: 706-545-7419

Govt Cell: 706-604-8572


Office: 706-545-7428

Govt Phone: 706-326-6498


Office: 706-545-7425

Govt Phone: 706-326-6509


Office: 706-545-9793

Govt Cell: 706-604-6139

Mailing Address:

6680 Wold Ave.

Building 71

Fort Moore, GA 31905

1. All personnel reporting to the MARDET, MCoE for permanent assignment will report directly to S1 administration at the Detachment Headquarters. 6680 Wold Ave Building 71, Fort Moore, GA 31905.
2. Housing / Schools : CLICK HERE
3. GuideOn App: Before you show up to the Maneuver Center of Excellence, download the GuideOn app and set the installation for Fort Moore. With this app you can simply type in a building number and it will give you directions from your location.
4. Base Access: Access Control Point (ACP) #3 is the primary entrance into Ft Moore. Georgia I-185 runs directly into this gate. If you do not have a valid CAC, you must first go to the Visitor Control Center Lindsey Creek Parkway. This is located as you approach ACP3, but you must be in the far-left lane to access it. For more information on ACP locations & hours, and how to access the base, see MCoE Homepage (


US Army MCOE logo


U.S. Army Fort Moore and The Maneuver Center of Excellence

 US Army MCOE Link

Marine Detachment Maneuver Center of Excellence Leaders

Portrait of Commanding Officer
Commanding Officer
Marine Detachment Maneuver Center of Excellence

Lieutenant Colonel Steven E. Alsop was commissioned in the United States Marine Corps through the

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Portrait of Senior Enlisted Leader
Senior Enlisted Leader
Marine Detachment Maneuver Center of Excellence

First Sergeant Harris enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2004 and attended recruit training at Marine

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School of Infantry - East